Hey! We’re continuing this Week in the Life series with Ali Edwards herself -- founder of the Week in the Life Project, chatting all about the origins of WitL, and so much more.
What is Week in the Life?
From Ali Edwards.com:
A seven-day documentary project, Week In The Life™ began in 2005 as an annual opportunity to capture the simple everyday details of life with photos and words. The albums I've created are some of my most treasured in that they are wonderfully true representations of my family's life at a particular point in time. From the mundane to the profound, it's those simple little everyday moments that I treasure most.
*In this episode, we get into some great topics: *
- we talk about the epic Star Wars adventure Ali just got back from
- we talk about how Week in the Life started
- we talk about our favorite parts of the WitL project
- we talk about how we are approaching this project in 2022
Learn more about Week in the Life at AliEdwards.com