Crafty Ass Female

Episode 136: Taking Photos During Hard Times

July 15th, 2020

In this episode, A + K talk through about the ways they are planning on documenting 2020.

Amanda is planning to continue blasting out her weekly memory keeping pages in her Passion Planner®, and has taken to her website for deep dives and detailed posts.

Kristin talks about her plan to jump back into pocket scrapbooking in a 3x8 album to have a chronological account of 2020. YES! She will also continue making art in Daily Pages - which if you are a member of The Awesome Ladies Project - can do so along with her everyday at 12pm!

The girls also talk about great resources for COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter from around the interweb to help get those stories into your memory keeping.

A + K conclude the episode discussing how to document the GREAT UNKNOWN that is the next six months of this year. As important as it is to document what has happened so far, it is equally as important to document how you feel about not knowing what is yet to come.